Acupuncture can be used to assist with a range of pregnancy related conditions, offering women an alternative to taking medication. Acupuncture may also be used for the discomfort often regarded as part of a ‘normal’ pregnancy that just has to be endured. While acupuncture is viewed by many as an ‘alternative’ medicine, it use in pregnancy is widespread in certain countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland and New Zealand, where midwives undertake specialized acupuncture training. In 2009 Hutt Valley Hospital invited the New Zealand School of acupuncture to run clinic specifically for pregnancy related conditions. The following list details the conditions that acupuncture has been used for in this clinic;
Threatened miscarriage
Early pregnancy supportive care
Nausea and vomiting
Constipation and hemorrhoids
Varicose veins and vulval varicosities
Headaches and migraines
Musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, pelvic and hip pain
Fatigue and exhaustion
Anxiety and depression
Itching in pregnancy
Hypertension disorders including Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Gestational diabeties
Breech and posterior positioned babies
Preparation for a medical Induction
Prebirth acupuncture to prepare the body for an efficient labour
Acupressure taught to support people to use for pain relief during labour
Postpartum recovery
PreBirth treatment: This involves a series of four treatments weekly from 36 or 37 weeks to prepare for labour. Points are used according a woman's constition and pregnancy history. This may include points used to assit in ripening the cervix, positioning the baby in the best presintation for labour and to promote optimal energy and stamina for women. For further infomation on research involving prebirth acupuncture click here
Breech babies are ideally treated between 34 - 36 weeks gestation. This is often a one off treatment with women being shown how to contiune treatment at home with a moxa stick (a herb that has been shaped into a cigar like stick). The moxa stick is lit and held over specific places in the body to stimulate the acupuncture points. For further information on research into using moxa therapy to treat breech presentations click here
Further information on the use of acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion in pregnancy can be found in Debra's text The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth